108 Maidens of Destiny108 Maidens of Destiny Extra 1: Breakfast Table I

Extra 1: Breakfast Table I

Part II

Early morning is the golden time of the day. The battle upon the breakfast table is in truth very intense.

Shi Yuan: Chicken nuggets, chicken nuggets! Where are the chicken nuggets! Did someone steal them when This Young Lady wasn’t around!

Yan Yizhen: Apologies, there are no chicken nuggets this morning.

Lin Yingmei: Eh? What about the ham fried rice I love most?

Yan Yizhen: Apologies, there is no ham fried rice this morning.

Zhang Yuqi: Canned tuna? What about canned tuna?

Yan Yizhen: Apologies, there is no canned tuna this morning.

Shi Yuan, Lin Yingmei, Zhang Yuqi: Why!!

Yan Yizhen pursed her lips.

Behind Shi Yuan and the others was a seldom seen beautiful young woman.

Young Woman: Poor Nun Shaqing shall be staying here for the next few days...

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Part II

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