Legend Of FeiLegend Of Fei Chapter 1

Ill.u.s.trator: 呼葱觅蒜 (Hu Cōng Mi Suan)*

*An ill.u.s.trator known for her faceless artworks and also the ill.u.s.trator of the other three books of Bandits.

I am not picking up this novel.

There seemed to be two different versions(?) with slightly different texts. Hence why, I'm including two different book one's t.i.tles and chapter one's t.i.tles. Anyhow, enjoy!

Book 1: Traveling* Youngster/Desired Mountain Rain Has Come Forth, Winds Filled the Floor

*Interesting the 游 (yóu) which means to travel, roam, etc. has a slightly similar sounding as 有 (yǒu) from the novel t.i.tle. Perhaps the author intended for the h.o.m.ophone, or perhaps the author did not. Just a tidbit here ?

Chapter 1: Receiving Punishment/48 Stronghold (48 Tribes)

Hou Zhao, spring of Jianyuan[1] 17th year.

Willow buds sprouted and crabapples bloomed.

In the 48 stronghold at Shu Mountain, two youths are displaying their martial arts.

One individual there is a bit older—tall and robust, resembling a small mountain. The hand grasps a pike. Tiger-like eyes widened. Does not dare in the slightest amount to treat lightly.

The other individual is merely fourteen to fifteen years old. Figure is slender and tall. Appearance is quite favorable. The hand holds a dagger. Merely stood as one wishes and already has an appearance of a refined gentleman.

The disciples that congregated became more and more crowded. One after another would whisper to the other one's ears nearby.

A little brother that recently joined the group peered curiously at the attractive and intelligent youth and asked in a small voice to the neighboring person:

"The person who challenged our great masterful elder brother is which masterful elder brother, skillful or not?"

The neighboring person was an older disciple that entered the sect earlier, who extremely likes to lecture others, and nodded while speaking in a suspenseful manner:

"Who is that person, brother cannot predict…hey, they made a move, quickly look!"

The disciples hurriedly tippy-toed and stretched the necks to look. They merely saw the little mountain great masterful elder brother suddenly shouted. The pike in the hand was like a viper that left its cave as it pierced straight towards the youth in the front who holds the dagger.

The youth was calm and unhurried as the body slightly moved sideways. The entire body appeared languorous. The pike flew past the body, and avoided the skin. No superfluous, forceful strength was used.

Great masterful elder brother's wrist immediately trembled. He advanced one step, and used half of one body's strength into both hands. The pike rang one "buzz" whistling sound and stubbornly, firmly attacked. This move is called "Knocking Nanshan" and a "swinging concentrated" sect move of the 48 tribes— unrivaled strength, provided that the person used sufficient strength. This one move was used to sweep past the opponent.

The youth who holds the dagger did not panicked. He appeared like moving clouds and flowing water as he inched half a step. He turned the dagger in the palm of his hand in opposite direction. Immediately a tinkling bell light sound rang and the sword blade contacted with the pike. But the contact was not for long as the sword blade seemed to have withdrawn. The sword blade slid like a wading fish. The youth with the dagger smiled and softly shouted:

"Be careful."

The spoken words did not finish as his body has already slid two che[2]. The dagger seemed to have lengthened from the hollow of the palm. Did not see the youth with the dagger having any large movement, but the dagger would raise up like a shoulder pole and maneuver. The light as a feather move Wan Zhu Lian (rolling up bead flag) appeared and within a blink of the eye the pike from the opponent's hand fell.

The disciples watched to the point of not daring to breathe strongly in the atmosphere. The neighboring disciple at this time continued speak:

"That person is the great (senior brother) gentleman Li and the nephew of 48 stronghold big leader. The martial arts on him were personally taught by big leader and came out as such skillful person within our generation."

He used his index finger that went past the young disciple who was widening his eyes on the side. Gentleman Li gently smiled without arrogance. Both hands returned the seized pike to the owner:

"You have let me win, many thanks to senior brother's teachings."

Gentleman Li is refined in manner. Benevolent and polite. The person who lost naturally would not show greatest argumentative language inconveniently. The tall and robust youth retrieved his pike and face was red. He slightly nodded, said "does not dare", and then left automatically. When he left, there were people circling and they eagerly desiring to try as they said:

"Senior brother Li, this brother here wishes for guidance!"

The older disciple gesticulate while talking in order to explain to the newer disciple:

"Due to our senior brother Li having great skills and good temperament, he would compete to a point and then stopped. Would speak very politely. If brother does not understanding something then ask him. He will guide you with great efforts…"

His words did not finished as there was suddenly someone who interrupted from behind:

"Excuse me."

The two disciples, who were whispering to the other one's ears in murmurs, turned around and became startled. Unexpectedly, the person who came was a female whose body was nimble with no weak point and long hair tied up like a male. The shoulders and neck did not have any particular decorations and instead, emphasizes slimness and frailness. Her appearance was fair and between the eyelashes exuded a delicate, cold temperament.

When speaking nicely, "swinging concentrated" sect is "overflowing with righteousness". In actuality, it's "bashing sideways and colliding straight on". Therefore, it has another nickname as the "feral dog sect". The people in the sect are all bald Buddhist monks. Should not say female disciple as even the egg will not hatch into a female chicken. The new disciple, who suddenly saw a female and a rather beautiful little lady, became dazed. In that period of time, he does not know how to react.

The neighboring older disciple hurriedly pulled him to the side and reverently, respectfully spoke to the female:

"Senior sister Zhou, sorry."

The young lady gave a glance at him and lightly nodded. The other people present there, who heard the movement sounds and saw her, are extremely cooperative and yielded a path. At that time, gentleman Li, who was giving martial arts instructions, lifted his head and peer at her. Immediately, he gave a familiar smile and greeted:

"A Fei[3], came to do two moves?"

The female was indifferent and thought of gentleman Li like air. She did not lift head up and quickly left.

Zhou… A Fei? Zhou Fei?

The new disciple's gaze subconsciously followed after her and said in a low voice:

"She is…"


The neighboring senior brother nodded and reminded the little junior brother that recently joined the sect:

"Senior sister Zhou's personality is not that good. Later on, when brother see her has to remember to be courteous a bit…The matter is that she does mingle with us dirty people together. The chances of meeting her are not a lot. "

Towards a beautiful female, a slightly differing personality is not counted as a flaw. The newer disciple finished hearing and did not held any hard feelings. On the contrarily, he curiously asked:

"Senior brother Li is the grandchild of stronghold big leader. Senior sister Zhou is a precious gem in stronghold big leader's hand. Perhaps the learned martial arts are inherited in the same vein. Earlier senior brother said that senior brother Li is an outstanding talent from our generation. Then, is senior brother better than senior sister Zhou?"

"Brother also knows that senior sister is the precious gem in stronghold big leader's hand. We can't even keep up the pamper, who has idleness to perform a move at her?"

The senior brother carelessly responded to the question and immediately shifted focus to the yard while eagerly wanting to try:

"Today's opportunity is rare. Brother, go ask senior brother Li to guide some moves."

"The precious gem in hand" that he has said—Zhou Fei left the liveliness and went past three lookout posts to the little courtyard of 48 stronghold big leader—Li Jinrong.

Immediately after entering the door, she saw Li Jingrong standing with folded arms and the back was facing her. In the hand held a large thumb-size whip. The gaze of Zhou Fei slightly stopped on that whip. She opened her mouth and was about to call "mother", but heard Li Jinrong coldly spoke:

"Kneel down."

Zhou Fei frowned. She was decisive in swallowing the word "mother" into the stomach and then silently entered the courtyard. She lifted the clothes and arranged them. Then she solemnly kneeled down.

She did not get to kneel steadily as Li Jinrong suddenly turned around and lashed the whip on her body. The eyelashes of Zhou Fei quickly trembled. She gritted her teeth that kept the surprise moan inside the jaw. She suddenly lifted her head up and angrily opened wide one's eyes as she did not understand her mom.

"This shameful person[4], kneel properly for mom!"

Li Jinrong bellowed:

"You rely on strength to bully the weak. Granted that, has used the advantage of one's position to bully others. Scheming with such sordidness! Mother taught you martial arts for you to do such things?"

Zhou Fei's face did not change color, but voice was extremely stubborn as she asked:

"I did so?"

Li Jinrong thought about the various terrible deeds that this muddled, egg-headed person[4] did and the two temples jumped up. She pointed at Zhou Fei's nose and scolded:

"With the Heaven and Earth's order of monarch, parent, and teacher, Mr. Sun is an elder teacher that mother has invited here for you. From the first day that you have learned, you dared to be disrespectful to mister. Wait until you have become fully fledged (with wings) and even parents will be thrown away?"

Zhou Fei did not have ponder any bit as she argued back:

"That old fool spoke farted out nonsense in cla.s.s and hampered students' progress. Not slapping his old face is considered very light!"

Before her speaking voice waned, Li Jinrong gave one slap to her first:

"You want to slap who?"

Li Jinrong made a ruthless move. Zhou Fei had no self-control and body leaned to one side. She felt that her skin was being peeled layer by layer. Both eardrums buzzed and teeth bit the tongue while mouth engulfed in the smell of reeking blood.

"Mister merely rebuked with several sentences. Has not counted when you have pushed mister and caused him to tumble. Yesterday's depth of night, you have knocked out the person, tied up, stripped the clothes, stuffed them into the mouth, and then hung the entire night. If the mountain patrol today did not discovered him early then what will his fate be?"

Zhou Fei was about to open mouth and explain. Yet knowingly, the more Li Jinrong spoke, she was unable to restrain one's anger and lashed the whip strongly, layer upon layer. The entire outfit, flesh, and skin on her back immediately split out a b.l.o.o.d.y wound and the whip broke unexpectedly.

This time she has truly hit ruthlessly. Zhou Fei's complexion did not change and fiercely peered at her while squeezing out a sentence from between the teeth:

"Not dying is a bargain for him!"

Li Jinrong almost hit her and caused her to topple. At this time, burst of footstep sounds reverberated. The person who came did not hide the sounds of weak footsteps. It seemed like someone who does not practice martial arts and along the path, there were faint coughing sounds attached. Raging big leader Li heard the familiar coughs and expression suddenly paused. She breathed in deep breath and withdrew the angered expression of hers. There was a bit of helplessness when turning around to ask that person:

"Who is the b.a.s.t.a.r.d that alarmed you?"

A male with a tall figure slowly stepped forward. The outer appearance was extremely well favored (attractive) with a bit of sickliness due to illness. Person donned a sapphire blue scholarly outfit that highlighted the increasingly colorless cheekbones. His age was already not young, but each gesture exuded magnificence.

He is the father of Zhou Fei, Zhou Yitang.

Zhou Yitang heard that his wife was. .h.i.tting his child and hurriedly came over. He lowered his head and peered at Zhou Fei who revealed lacerated punished flesh of the back and swelling face. Heart ached while tears almost fell. But this little rascal was already wild natured and someone who isn't easy to discipline. Provided that she knows there's a place of protection, then later will increasingly become unafraid due to knowledge of having a backing. It was inconvenient for Zhou Yitang to publicly declare protection for Zhou Fei. He used a pair of vague eyes to peer at Li Jinrong, stepped in front to separate the mother and child, and asked in a low voice:

"What has happened?"

Zhou Fei is stubborn donkey. When stubbornness comes up, even when yielding, she dares to use a swollen face in opposition. Hearing her father speak, she merely lowered head in silence.

Li Jinrong stood on the side and laughed coldly:

"I see this little animal has not shed a tear until she sees the coffin."

Zhou Yitang waved hands and lowered head to ask Zhou Fei:

"Father heard on the first day of learning, you have caused troubles with Mr.Sun, for what problem? What did he lecture?"

Zhou Fei has an indifferent expression as she kneeled there and did not say a word.

Zhou Yitang then breathed in a long breath and gently said:

"Let father know?"

Zhou Fei generally is someone who eats soft food and refuses hard food. Hearing this sentence, the stubborn swollen face showed a bit of movement as she said involuntarily:

"Four Books for Women."

Li Jinrong was shocked.

Zhou Yitang waved one's hand and said:

"Eh, 'Four Books for Women'…Which part did he lectured in 'Four Books for Women'?"

Zhou Fei angrily said:

"Female commandment."

Zhou Yitang glanced at Li Jinrong. Li Jinrong did not expect that she found a mister who was not reliable. There was nothing to say and she lowered head and rubbed nose awkwardly.

"Female commandment" is not something strange. The various ladies from n.o.ble families have largely read before, but Zhou Fei was not a lady from a wealthy family. The 48 tribes/stronghold at Shu Mountain has occupied and erect a flag up. The "main business" was killing without buying and selling— thus, it was the northern capital "familial bestowment t.i.tle" of the major bandits.

Enter the den of the bandits and lecture "female commandment" to a little bandit?

This Mr. Sun really knows how to think.

"Come, speak with father a bit."

Zhou Yitang said to Zhou Fei and then turn head around to cough twice.

"You stand up."

Li Jinrong has no opinion and urged in a small voice:

"Go inside the room and talk. Your illness still hasn't gotten better. Don't go outside to catch the wind."

Zhou Yitang grabbed her hands and lightly squeezed them. Li Jinrong understood the intent, somewhat reluctant as she nodded head, and said:

"Alright, father and daughter, you two go talk. I will go visit that Mr. Sun. "

Zhou Fei exerted great effort to stand up. The temples were in pain and broke out in cold sweats. The smudgy, wet eyes and snot-filled nose glared at Li Jinrong and hovered between life and death as she said:

"Stronghold big leader, go slowly."

The att.i.tude of Li Jinrong was just slowed down a bit yet this little brat, who acted out recklessly, dared to provoke her. Her eyebrows immediately stood up and she was almost flaring up.

Zhou Yitang was afraid that they would begin to argue. He hurriedly coughed a "long bout". The anger of Li Jinrong stiffly soothed back. The knife-like gaze pa.s.sed through Zhou Fei's body. She sneered and pointed at her. Then she ignored her as something unseen as she turned her body and walked away in large strides.


[1] jiàn yuán 建元: noting the first reign of an emperor

[2] 尺: Chinese foot; one-third of a meter

[3] Fěi翡: green jade; kingfisher. Different than the 'Fěi /匪' used for 'Bandits'

[4] 东西 dōng xī: Literal meaning is east and west. Now it's mostly referring to "person" or "something". I was about to put "thing", but I replaced it.

ChocolateCosmos: I don't read a lot of wuxia novels as of the late and I don't frequently read wuxia stories translated in English as much either. This was a rather lengthy chapter for me compared to the other novels I've tried translating and there were some difficulties. Excuse my not-so-great translation. The novel is also a bit lengthy (173 chapters or so, I would need to check, please don't take my word for it). I don't have the time to translate this novel and if I did, I would do it at a very snail-pace, which we will never finish the story lol. Hopefully, this translation help garner some interest to the novel and attract another translator's attention. A bit excited for the upcoming drama~

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