VIMER. A river that Thor crosses.

VIN. A river that flows from Hvergelmer.

VINA. A river that flows from Hvergelmer.

VINDALF. A dwarf.

VINDLONG. One of the names of the father of winter.

VINDSVAL. One of the names of the father of winter.

VINGNER. A name of Thor.

VINGOLF. The palace of the asynjes.

VINGTHOR. A name of Thor.

VIRFIR. A dwarf.

VIT. A dwarf.

VOLSUNGS. The descendants of Volsung.

VON. A river formed by the saliva running from the mouth of the chained Fenris-wolf.

VOR. One of the asynjes.

WODAN. A name of Odin.

YDALER. Uller's dwelling.

YG. A name of Odin.

YGDRASIL. The world-embracing ash-tree.

YLG. One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer.

YMER. The huge giant out of whose body the world was created.

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